2024 Holiday Party

Becky's hot cider has become a Holiday Party tradition.

Our holiday buffet exceeded even the standards of our monthly potlucks.

Our President, Pam B, roasted a turkey and Rose B did the carving.

Holiday Party Dessert Table

Donna W's slide show of previous Holiday Parties brought back fond memories.

Ellen K serenaded us with holiday music.

Jillian V told us about Cake4Kids, a volunteer effort to provide home-baked goodies for children.

Laura R went vintage while Olga embodied a sweet gingerbread cookie.

Participants in the Elegant and Ugly Sweater Promenade.

The elegant and ugly outfits on parade generated laughter and delight.

Janet S strolled proudly down the promenade.

Linda collected a large haul of unused toiletries for the residents of La Casa Buena

November saw members preparing for the holiday season by making button ornaments.

Proudly displaying a button ornament.

Button man in closeup.

In November Janis G demonstrated the workings of her table and floor looms.

Setting up a loom is a multistep process.

Linda C inspired members to create vision boards representing aspirations and achievements.

Ladies Who Lunch enjoyed a delicious repast at the Red Rooster Brick Oven.

In October Linda shared her collection of popup books.

Fun and easy! Members making crowns with headbands and pipecleaners.

Club members wearing their festive Fall crowns.

Olga and Linda V

With La Casa Buena residents writing letters to accompany knitting goods sent to Ukraine.