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Homeward Bound honored the Club's Friends of Casa Buena, Ellen G, Linda V and Kathleen S.
In May, members made floral prints.
Marie with her creations.
Suzi holds up her print to dry.
Our annual Spring Tea honors scholarship recipients chosen for community service.
The event is a Club highlight. Members choose a theme to decorate a table.
Ellen K chose inspirational women as the theme for her table.
Jetta at an African safari themed table.
Paris lit up Joanie's table.
Julie coordinated her place settings and wardrobe in a tribute to spring colors.
This table bursts forth with fruits and flowers.
In May Laura shared travel tales and foods from Morocco.
Chiz shows off her knit bags.
During April's workshop, members made bags from old tshirts!
Michele, a resident, wrote a heartfelt thankyou to Friends of the Casa Buena.
Linda shared our Club Cookbook with Adrian, a Casa Buena social worker.
During the April gathering at La Casa Buena residents decorated cars.
Then set them on the track to race!
2024's Giant Indoor Yard Sale was larger than any previous sale.
GIYS leader, Barbara F, with helpful volunteers, Kathleen, Spring, and Robin.
The Boutique offered many finds.
New members Dixie, Patty and Rica enjoyed their first GIYS.
A new activity, Craft Hour, brought out creativity and pride.
Crafters Chiz and Vinnie
Crafter Linda C
Crafter Marilyn R
Olga T
Our hospitality volunteers always create colorful table decorations for our potlucks.
Our March potluck meeting featured Sandy Armstrong of the Marin Rowing Association.
In March, the Club hosted a community-wide presentation and discussion of the Alto Tunnel.
Pres Pam Berg introduced Matthew Hartzell, Transportation Alternatives of Marin-WTB
Matthew fielded questions on the pros and cons of reopening Alto Tunnel for foot traffic.
Knitters celebrate shipping 45 lbs of hats and blankets to Ukraine.
Linda V with just some of the group's creations .
Members and La Casa Buena residents played skittles, a British pub game.
Kathleen S with La Casa Buena residents.
In February, Membership Secretary Armelle spoke at the Meet and Greet for new members.
Making Valentines
Colorful creativity
Knitting Blankets for Ukraine
Ladies Who Lunch at Souvla in Marin Country Mart.
Linda V introduced "games without words" to play with the very young or cognitively impaired.
Homeward Bound awarded Linda V its Heart of Marin Award for her efforts at La Casa Buena.
Linda V gets well-earned recognition in the Homeward Bound Newsletter.
Our potlucks never disappoint.
Memorial to long-time member Joan Vaughan. Joan served as Treasurer for over a decade.
Ann S and January's speaker Bob Shores.
2023 Holiday Party
Members donated gifts for La Casa Buena residents.
Ellen K provided accompaniment to our holiday sing-a-long.
Full attention on the bingo cards!
Members made Halloween goodie bags for residents of La Casa Buena.
For our October workshop, members filled a box with items of personal significance.
Then we guessed whose box was whose. It was a fun way to get to know each other.
October's speaker was Melissa King of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine.
Ellen K serenaded the knitting group with her accordion.
Knitting to the dreamy sounds from the accordian.
The Knitting Group met in Town Park over the summer.
Alicia, Homeward Bound staff person at La Casa Buena, accepts donations of toiletries and linens.
Friends of La Casa Buena participate in art projects with the residents.