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Celebrating over 100 Years of Service

Our Abiding Mission:

Scholarships for Community Service



The Club has a longstanding history of supporting women who serve our community.

In the years after WWI, the Club provided scholarships to nursing students. In recent times, the club has awarded substantial college scholarships to local young women who have been active volunteers in our community.

In addition, the club donates camp fees for families who might not otherwise afford to participate in the Corte Madera Parks and Recreation holiday and summer camp programs.

The club raises money for these philanthropies by organizing the annual Giant Indoor Yard Sale.  The college scholarships are additionally endowed by generous donations in memory of our beloved member Kimberly Powell, who worked tirelessly on this program until her untimely death.

In the sixteen years between 2004 and 2019, the Club has donated more than $60,000 to charitable causes.

2021 Scholarship Recipients

2020 Scholarship Recipients

2022 Scholarship Recipients

Shyla Lensing, 2023 Scholarship Recipient